1. aboard a super cool bus that has seats that can go almost all the way down, massaging buttons to press, movies, dramas, songs & games to play, with food and drinks served, and a cute waiter. hahaha. I mostly watched movies: The devil wears prada, 大喜事,幸福万岁, MJ's Moonwalk and some cartoons. The MJ documentary is one word: pastiche! :D but rather entertaining. (: just laid back and stare at sky and tree leaves going by for a while and came up with a random attempt of the previous post.

2. Love the weather, upon reaching there the first thought I had was actually remembering those rainy mugging days at those open spaces in school which were so comfortable. Ironic how I love the rain, yet when “I love the rain” comes to mind, I subconsciously complete it with “it hid my tears and shadowed my pain”. Not emo, merely one of my monologue lines from dep devised piece that stuck. If December is my favourite month, it would be because of the weather, not Christmas.

3. Indoor theme park! Shopping, bowling, manicure, arcade, more shopping. Didn’t buy much stuff, despite wanting to. First time in my life getting a manicure wor, although its nothing much and my nails are freaking short. Haha. Met two kids at the nails place, and coincidentally met them again the next day in the morning in the lift when we left the hotel and again in the lift at night when we came back to the hotel. They’re so cute! & we recognise each other by nails. Lol! Went for the 4D motion master ride and haunted house. Cool effects in the haunted house but being a ghost is way more fun! x)

4. Outdoor theme park on day 2! Child ticket for the win. Haha. Sat on spinner and cyclone and pirate ship with huimin & carrine while the guys were eating breakfast. Was pretty worried about the pirate ship because escape’s pirate ship was scary and genting’s one seem higher. Sat somewhere in the middle and it was still pretty scary, but not as scary as first experience at escape! Saw the guys queuing at pirate ship when we got off and hence got to cut queue and went on the ride again, this time sitting right at the edge! Was kind of freaking out but it turned out to be not scary at all as I was laughing too much at Eugene to feel anything! Yayy. Went to sit on the superman ride which went 360degrees and it was damn fun. Ate icecream, blew some money on throwing hoops and shooting bottles, the guys went archery, and then..dinner!

5. At some international buffet place which is HUGE. Western, Japanese (was so happy to see sashimi haha), local, nonya, desert! Really eat a lot, the guys especially. Day 2 morning went for breakfast buffet, every meal also eat a lot!

6. Sat the cable car and the guys throw stuff down from the window. -_- girls were in another car with the adults and I was so bored that I fell asleep, both on the way down and on the way up. Mushroom farm dinner on day 2, ordered tons of dishes again. There’s a huge dog, which I find rather charming. Haha and flexible too, it keeps going under the gate.

7. Ahma birthday on day 3. Girls went to buy cupcakes, to go with dim sum lunch. Deep down I still feel sad that ahgong is not around anymore. .bleh. day 3 was more shopping and waiting at starbucks for the bus, and I can’t seem to dissociate starbucks with mugging/laptop-ing anymore. :X back to the cool bus, and back to long long busrides, and back to Singapore.