Wednesday, April 7, 2010

1. Xiaozhu autograph session!

It was at a huge CD shop in a mall in WangFuJing. (think HMV-ish) Didn’t intended to go in the first place, was deliberating between exploring a random place, the autograph session, or back to school for a wushu fighting elective class. Made up my mind to go and see the crowds, and leave if the crowds are too crazy and I can’t see xiaozhu at all. Met SQ & Cheryl there, and got convinced into buying his Rashomon album (yes they release it in China damn late) and queuing up like the rest of the crazy fans there. The procedure was quite orderly, for what, I have no idea. The autograph session is split into 6 zones. The zone 1 people gets to go first etc. and guess what I was in zone 6 due to the last-minute buying of the album. & I was split up from SQ & Cheryl who were in zone 3. L

The event was stated to start at 6, but people were already queuing up at 4pm. I didn’t wanted to queue up, so went to explore the rest of the mall instead (finding relatively cheap Sony DSLRs), before joining the back of the queue at almost 6. The queue stretched all the way through the toilet corridors, down many flights of stairs into the carpark, and then surrounding the perimeters of the whole carpark. -.- Was seriously bored in the carpark, that I took out the lyrics sheet from the album and start reading them, that I observe the people around me (most were girls, there were guys too, most are young, about 3 years younger than me, some even came with their mums), that I played all the games in my phone. Felt so stupid, but legs couldn’t bring themselves to leave.

After an hour or so the queue finally started to move, and then it slowly moved into the record store, where shelves are all moves away to make space for all the people. The queue inside was surprisingly civilized. There was no clear barriers that indicate the queue, but nobody cut queue even though it was so easy to. Entertained myself by taking tons of photos of the crowds, and also by the extremely lame host. For example, there was a point of time when LuoZhiXiang wanted to go to the toilet, and everybody went crazy thinking that he might just leave. The host went “虽然你们都是小猪的老婆, 可是上厕所还是他一个人上比较好。

He was cute, soooo cute, upclose. Cuter than on print and on screen. Its seriously his charm that swept so many girls away haha. Told him I was from Singapore, and he looked up at me. Hahahah. Sound so crazy now. Anyways, shook his hand and he signed the album, but there wasn’t any impression of it because I was so stunned by his “in your face” face’s cuteness, and the whole thing was over in split seconds.

Went to find Cheryl & SQ at the carpark after that. Was super confused when they told me to come to the carpark, before realizing that there were many other girls in the carpark, trying to find Xiaozhu’s car. Fanclub people and a few groups of other followers. Pretty exciting to follow them around the carpark, and being amused at their screams at every white big car they come across. Begging the security guards and hotel people were in the game too. Gave up after a while, had dinner at Ajisen Ramen (which is so much cheaper than Singapore’s), before heading home, still high from the event.

1. April Fool’s! At least it wasn’t boring. Was suggesting stupid tricks and jokes to CXY (who is about to sleep) when victim #1 Joy came online. I started off typing an absurdly ridiculous sentence on skype, which she believed! The story went more and more elaborate, made-up as it goes along, and Joy insists on skyping us. Xinyi (haha cannot sleep now) & I couldn’t stop laughing. The joke went on for almost an hour before we convinced her to call Tiffy, and all 5 of us were on Tiffy’s end yelling Happy April Fools to her. Joy is awesome. XD

Another joke was Tiffy knocking on ZY’s door in the middle of the night, which failed because he was too deep asleep, but the rest of us heard it. Haha damn stupid.

The next morning, we were pwned by the teacher in Media Management class, because the teacher did not even turn up at all! -.- While waiting for the teacher to show up, (while the rest of the class left one by one), ZY was doing his “punishment” writing for drama class. Kidnapped a piece of his writings, he couldn’t find it anywhere and was a little irritated to find out that its Aprils Fool, oops. Joke fail.

Pwned by myself after that, for boarding the wrong train on the way back to school, and not being able to find the classroom, because apparently the teacher was screening a video and the lights were off. -.-

And I guess, that was Aprils 1ST.

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