The days' director and producer came to com253 lecture to talk to us about the film and filmmaking. Lide and I went out of the LT immediately after lecture in search for them and found them loading stuff into the car at the carpark. Went over and got for ourselves two posters each! (which are currently nicely decorating my hall room) 'Booked' for myself an interview for the next day as well! Wasted no time and caught The Days with parents at Jurong Point that very night. I feel that it's really good for a feature film debut, the story and characters are all very real and the essence of the 1989 era is captured well.
Watched Bangkok Dangerous and interview a cinema counter crew person for voxpop at Vivo GV. Headed to Dragonfly - St. James Power Station for The Days movie tea dance party! Hidden motive: to interview director Boi Kwong for com204 assignment but nevertheless Aaron and I had a great time there simply chilling and listening to music by Blackforest band. Happy that Boi remembers my name!
Northpoint with Jin to support Jingting for radio100.3 DJ hunt semifinals.
Its been a long time since I attended such 'roadshows' events in those 追星days. I enjoyed myself that day--some of the contestants were highly entertaining. and of course there was the free Boss coffee. haha! Headed to Cafe Galilee @Woodlands to complete my 204assignment. Mr Manager Ivan remembers me as an old customer who like to play with him. Despite the fact that the last time I visited was 9 months ago!
Watched Paparazzi rehearsals for the first time! Went JP to shop for D&D clothes, but to no avail. Not surprising. Susposed to meet some people at Cine, but kenna pangseh! Felt so cheated lahs, cos of travelling time and everything. Jap Omelette Pasta dinner with Xy was good though. Was in a very bad mood when I reached home cos I didn't manage to do any schoolwork for the whole day! :X
Headache, diarhea and was feeling sick. Went Clark Quay to meet Penne people for dinner but I didnt manage to eat anything. I rmb Walter saying, "Its okay to say you're not okay you know". haha the way he says it very funny. Walked to the Butter Factory, the venue for D&D and I was so emo-ing away lah. Its the area the held so much memories. 2 years. The area at the back of SRT. The same bridge. The same alleys and lanes. The same night sky. The same atmosphere.. We were there early and managed to get one of the best sofa seats.
Camhoring, watching pageant show,
eating cupcakes, drinking, dancing.
Friends advised me not to take alcohol, I had beer and vodka lime. Felt much better than I ever since morning. haha, I swear alcohol has curing purposes.
24th: (continue from D&D)
Liang Court Macs to chill and eat hot fudge sundae! Decided to go for kbox because we did not want to cab back home, managed to flag down a seven seater
(which is super cool, my first time sitting in a seven seater cab!) to Cine, and the cab fee only costs $5+ in total!
K-ed all the way for 4 hours until 630am, when we all kind of died. It was really fun with all the Sinyu's old school songs, Weiliang's emo-drama-imitation songs, Walter's amazing boundless energy throughout, Yeashi's touching English songs and my Isingwhatotherpeoplechoose songs. 
Cant wait to go kbox again, hee. 190 back home and was in a surreal mood on the long walk back from busstop. Randomly took some photos which turned out good cos I feel that it captured the early morning atmosphere! (: Collapse on bed and woke up at 430pm.
Paparazzi full day rehearsal. Morning to night. CI club room to Nanyang House to Alliance Française de Singapour @Newton.
Shopping for Aaron's birthday present and making card. Watched movie Painted Skin at Lot1 for chronicle Nanyuan review. Its good! Its 5%horror, 10%action and 85%romance! :D
Aaron's birthday. I remember lots of time spent on travelling without having a destination in mind. Ended up in BoonLay, Vivo and Clark Quay. Awfully Chocolate has absolutely awesome and affordable chocolate icecream! Tcc for coffee, the most fancy and high class restuarant I've been to in my life for birthday dinner with his parents. Lots of phototakings and competition in phototakings with his new camera. Haha, the birthday dinner deserve another entry.
Paparazzi Production. Majority of the time I was stressing over 203quiz and being anti-social. :X The usual theatre things-runs and techruns and scene changes and light changes and markings and waiting in wings and showtime and postshow mingle and debrief and blahblah. The shows are good, Pamy's emotions are powerful at the end. The Blues (the live band) are wonderful and its a pretty amazing experience. Thanks Penne for coming
and for the uber cute and piggilicious candy!
One little piggy escaped. heh can u find it? ;)

Almost break down after the evening show, a theatre production on its own is alread always physically and emotionally draining. Exhaustion plus a back-to-reality 203quiztostudyfor really does it. Thanks Amos for making PR sound so straight forward and easy at that point of time. 不然真的会崩溃。Hais, sometimes I wonder, its just 10% of the grade. Why am I so extreme. :( Also dont know how I manage to fall asleep on the bumpy lorry ride back to school. ahwells.
Thats 10 days of 'recess week'! Friday to Sunday.