Before my 2008 entry, ESCAPE deserves an entry on its own. :)
After 7 years of Escape plans which seemed cursed to not come true, I finally went on my virgin Escape trip on 30th December 2008! :D
I'm very grateful- there's just so many reasons to not go: other plans, lack of sleep from previous night, idea of paying to scare yourself, possibility of self-maluation, & seeing each other too much in the holidays already. ;)ThksChihuaSinyuYeashiEvadneKaijie :D

Wheees my first ever escape ride is the water slide! The idea of a 15metre drop into the river wasn't very comforting, with my past experiences and fear of water, but the sound effects, entertainment and laughter takes away any scariness and makes it fun. (:
Then was the horror vikings ship! Looks are deceiving! how did the zen girl does it! -tries to find a pathetic excuse- we sat right at the end of the pirate ship! hahahaha damn shocking lah, everytime it seems to be at its peak it just goes even higher. Traumatic. Even Japan's Hollywood Dreams coaster I sat in Disneysea(what I consider the most thrilling ride in my life) is better than Singapore Escape Vikings. haha maybe its because its a first, or maybe I'm just not cut to become a pirate.
Choochoo train and Helicopter are amusing, Haunted House is disappointing, Orange Julius is nice and refreshing, the lie-on-front ride is windy, the drivecar one is interesting and fun, and my favourite is the SPACE one! THE SKY AND CLOUDS ARE OH SO PRETTY~ :D
yayyy happy happy that Escape dream finally come true! <3
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